Thursday, April 30, 2009

"My" mom, "my" dad...

There is clarity in this. In this love. There is a connection to something real and complete and lovely. And it goes well beyond the people who poses this love. There is a complete forgiveness and a complete knowing of how trivial anything is, anything but this love. I miss them so much. I miss them so much, but as I look to the sky to open my heart to the same infinite space above us all, I feel them. I FEEL them. I know they are there and they still possess their beautiful, complicated, subtle, giving souls...even if I can't see them, hear them, like I used to. I know what she looks like still in my mind. I still know the places where her face softens in her distress. Yes. I still know what that looks like.
I know what his smile looks like, full and brave, and especially sturdy. Yes. These are my parents. Especially sturdy, especially lovely...

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